He wasn't supposed to take one, but the photographer was trying to entice him to sit up in the chair so he could hold Sasha. Yeah, that never happened. So this is all we have....
and like her brother's three-month photo, this is also her Easter picture. Shout out to Miss Ellen for finding this lovely all-white Easter dress so Sasha could match her brother.
Yes, this photo looks a lot like the other. But what do you want? Sasha can't hold her head steady yet. And the other poses suggested, uh, yeah, Jory would have never sat still long enough for the picture to be taken.
Sasha is covering it, but Jory's shirt says, "I'm a big brother." I know how cute, huh? This is their first professional photo shot together. Aren't they adorable? I am madly in love with them.